Using Fire As A Tool, Stone Boiling Part 2 of a Series)

Using Fire to Super Heat Rocks in order to Disinfect Water by Boiling……

Using Fire As a Tool (Part 1 of a Series)

2 part series using fire as a tool

Basic Spring Pole Snare (Part 2 of a Series)

Part 2 of a 3 part Series on Snares,

Simple Pole Snare (Part 1 of a Series)

Constructing a simple Pole Snare. This will be part 1 of a 3 part series on pole snares

Squirrel Pole Snare

Making an improvised Squirrel Pole Snare

How To Make Char Cloth Using Aluminum Foil

Improvised Char Cloth making using household Items

An Alternative Way to Open Tin Cans (Urban Survival)

Opening a can without a can opener

The Phone Book…. A Forgotten Survival Tool (Book Review)

Old School Technology

Cotton Wood Identification for A Tinder Bundle

Locating a Cotton Wood and Creating a Tinder bundle

Student Bruce……….

One of my novice students using a bowdrill made of cotton wood and willow. The spindle slips out of the fire board at the end but an ember is produced and a fire is made….. Lesson here is that this can happen to anyone and practice makes better, and Those who think that they are “Fire Masters” tend to get cocky with fire and the choking begins……