One of many ways to lash a Tripod
Archives: YouTube Videos
The Diagonal Lash
A Diagonal Lash can be used when two sticks cross each other.
Snow Walker Bushcraft
There are different ways to tie a shear lash, This is one…..
Snow Walker Bush Craft
Improvised BuckSaw
Replacing Tools and Gear in the field is a MUST
Dave Canterbury Video
Improvised Bow Saw
Being able to make or reproduce items in the wilderness is a Must.
Dave Canterbury Bow Saw
Improvised Duct Tape Containers
Containers are Vital and being able to Improvise them in the field is a Must.
Hidden Woodsmen Day Ruck
Snow Walker Bush Craft
The Glacier Basin Trail
Overlooking the Emmons Glacier, the largest glacier in the 48 contiguous United States.
At 2.5 miles, the Ape Cave is the longest continuous lava tube in the continental United States and the third longest (in total mapped length) lava tube in North America.
The Iron Goat Trail (Wellington Avalanche Site)
Wellington avalanche was the worst avalanche, measured in terms of lives lost, in the history of the United States. Here are some of the highlights from the hike.
Day hike to the Oneonta Falls………Enjoy